Physics Virtual Experiment sebagai Solusi Praktikum Fisika pada Pembelajaran Daring Kelas XI Tingkat SMA pada Materi Elastisitas

Syafira Setya Putri, Supardi U.S


Online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic has hindered the implementation of physics practicums that are usually conducted face-to-face in the laboratory. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of Physics Virtual Experiment (PVE) based on the Crocodile Physics application as a solution for online physics practicums on the topic of elasticity for 11th-grade high school students. An experimental method with the ANCOVA approach was used in this study, involving two groups of students: the experimental group that used the Physics Virtual Experiment and the control group that followed conventional learning methods. The results of the study showed a significant improvement in the understanding of elasticity concepts in the experimental group. Thus, the Physics Virtual Experiment can be an effective solution for physics practicums during online learning.


Virtual Practicum, Crocodile Physics, Online Learning, Elasticity.

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