Pengukuran Kinerja Rantai Pasok Menggunakan Supply Chain Operation Reference Pada PT. Ebara Indonesia

Ade Juliawan


PT. Ebara Indonesia is a manufacturing company that produces pumps made in the country with technical support and under license from Ebara Corporation Japan. Then the problem can be identified is the effectiveness of the company's supply chain is less than optimal and experiencing obstacles such as sudden changes in demand. There is no measurement of supply chain performance using the Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) method. According to research results, performance measurement using SCOR which consists of 28 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) there are only 26 Valid Indicators. Of the 26 indicators SCOR testing has been carried out and obtained 5 KPI that must be repaired by the company because the performance indicators are still in average and marginal conditions and the improvement that must be done by the company is by planning and scheduling the purchase of raw materials, Coordination with suppliers, Flexible Supply Base and better production planning.


Keywords AHP, Performance Measurement, SCOR, Supply Chain Management.


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