Usulan Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Material Pada Plat Aluminium Circle dengan Metode AWW di PT X

Rizki Arif Usman


PT. X is an industry in the field of electronics that produces Amplifer, Microphone, Speaker and Megaphone. PT X has a problem which is the excess or lack of raw materials every year. This is due to the fact that the ordering of material procurement has not gone well. From these problems will have an impact on the excess or shortage of raw material supplies and will cause a shortage of production or excess production. Of course the result can cause costs or costs for the company. In this study to solve the problem of research methods used to plan material needs properly by using forecasting methods Single Moving Average, Double Moving Average, Single Exponential Smoothing, Double Exponential Smoothing, and Weight Moving Average. By looking at the smallest values of MAD, MSE, MFE and MAPE. Develop and verify the Master Production Schedule. Then the arrangement to find the lowest total cost of procurement costs using the Silver Meal method, and Wagner Within Alogarithm. From all of the data processing, data analysis is performed by determining the best lot sizing method that produces the smallest total costs and overcoming material requirements planning in accordance with production demand so that there are no more orders and costs either from the accumulation of raw materials or even excessive costs on raw material planning.


Keywords Inventory, Silver Meal, Wagner Within Algorithm.


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