The Courage Values David Kim’s in Searching Movie

Ellisa Royhana


This study discusses several finding regarding the value of courage David Kim’s inSearching movie. This study discusses the courage values described by Budiyono(2007: 94) and use a qualitative descriptive method. There are 8 courage valuesobtained and grouped according to courage value theory: (1) Think Carefully andMeasured Before Acting with percentage of 15% consisting of 5 data found, (2)Able to Motivate Others with percentage of 3% consisting of only 1 data that hasbeen found, (3) Always Knew Themselves with percentage of 12% with consistingof 4 data found, (4) Humble with percentage of 21% with consisting of 7 data found,(5) Filling The Soul and Mind With New Knowledge Towards The Right Directionwith percentage of 3% consisting of only 1 data that has been found, (6) Act Realwith percentage of 27% consisting of 9 data found, (7) Consistent with percentageof 6% consisting of 2 data found, (8) The Spirit of Creating Progress withpercentage of 12% with consisting of 4 data found.


The Courage Values; David Kim; Searching Movie

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