An Analysis of Subtitling Strategies of English-Indonesian Interrogative Sentences in Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episodes 12 and 13

Annisa Putri, Suparto Suparto


The objectives of this research are to find out the types of English interrogative sentences and to explore the subtitling strategies used in translating English interrogative sentences into Indonesian subtitles in the Animal Kingdom movie. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The data source of this research was a movie entitled Animal Kingdom meanwhile, the data of this research were the English interrogative sentences and the Indonesian subtitle of the English interrogative sentences. The results showed that there are five out of six types of English interrogative sentences identified in Animal Kingdom movie. There are 37 data of yes-no question, 73 data of WH-question, 120 data of declarative question, 1 data of tag question, and 4 data of rhetorical question. There are seven out of ten subtitling strategies found in Animal Kingdom movie, there were 9 data of expansion, 74 data of paraphrase, 78 data of transfer, 10 data imitation, 47 data of condensation, 10 data of decimation, and 7 data of resignation. It can be concluded that the most dominant subtitling strategy for translating English interrogative sentences into Indonesian subtitles in Animal Kingdom movie is transfer with the amount of 78 out of 235 data.


Translation; Interrogative Sentences; Subtitling Strategies; Animal Kingdom Movie

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