Source details Initials | Alegori: Jurnal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia AJMPBI alegori Prefix 10.30998 by ![]() 2808-2273 2798-8937 Heppy Atmapratiwi Irham Ramdani Language Education February 2021 (On Going) April, August, and December Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta Indonesia ![]() -6.2979 106.8502 |

Alegori: Jurnal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia is a scientific journal publishing manuscripts which focuses on important issues in Indonesian Language Education, especially quantitative or qualitative research on Indonesian Language and literature learning.
Alegori: Jurnal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia is dedicated to publishing scientific information, communication resources, and perspectives by academics in Indonesian Language Education. This journal published research articles, reflection, and actual critical study with respect to the themes of interdisciplinary studies on Indonesian Language Education.
Authors are requested to prepare a manuscript in accordance with the Instructions for preparation of the manuscript and then to follow the Author Guidelines for submission. If the manuscript does not meet the author's guidelines or written in a different format, the manuscript WILL BE REJECTED. Only submitted manuscript that meets Alegori: Jurnal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia format will be processed further.
We strongly prefer to receive manuscripts via our online submission system. By using our system, authors can upload manuscript files (text, figures, and supplementary information) directly to our office and check on the status of Reviews their manuscripts during the review process.
Alegori is managed by Indonesian Language and Literature Education Department and published by Universitas Indraprasta PGRI. Initially, Alegori was issued on printed on Volume 1 Number 1 2021 and started to be issued online on Volume 1 Number 2 2021. Alegori is issued three times a year which are April, August, and December.
Alegori: Jurnal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia are indexed by the following abstracting and indexing services.
Vol 4, No 2 (2024): Alegori : Jurnal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia
Table of Contents
Devina Syaharani, Endang Wiyanti, Yulia Agustin
Rizqi Amalia, Heppy Atmapratiwi, Irham Ramdani
Annisa Yustika Annisa Yustika Rini, Eko Suroso, Sri Gantini
Silma Rahima Zahra, Jatut Yoga Prameswari, Ira Pratiwi Ramdayana
Hafidam Hutomo, Chadis Chadis
Esteen Arum Satyani, Kundharu Saddhono Saddhono
Wirdatul Adha, Akbar Maraendar, Anggun Luthvita Siregar, Yuliana Sari
Pungky Dyantieni, Ahmad Khoiril Anam, Memmy Dwi Jayanti
Arya Noer Rizkyawan, Tio Zulfan Amri
Arina Sabilulhaq