Penerapan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Sebagai Pendukung Keputusan Dalam Pemilihan Supplier Bahan Baku Restaurant Di PT SIPS

Irfan Purnomo


PT Solusi Integrasi Punakawan Sejahtera is one of the companies engaged in Food & baverage. At present the company has several problems with suppliers who collaborate among other things on the quality of goods that are less good, the incompatibility of the number of orders, and the delay in delivery. The purpose of this study (1) To obtain the priority arrangement of criteria in supplier selection. (2) Knowing the weight of each supplier of all specified criteria. (3) Getting the right supplier for a restaurant PT. SIPS. In this study using the AHP method (Analytical Hierarchy Process). From the results of the study the results of the priority selection of suppliers are as follows: Priority I quality criteria with a weight of 0.42, priority II shipping criteria with a weight of 0.25, priority III criteria for accuracy of the number with a weight of 0.15, IV price criteria with a weight of 0, 13, and priority V service criteria weighing 0.06. From the results of the overall main and alternative criteria, the priority order of the suppliers is as follows: Griya Agro Supplier with a weight value of 0.37. Next is the Pandawa supplier 9 with a weight value of 0.33 and a Yellow Food supplier with a weight value of 0.30. From the results of the analysis and research above it can be concluded that the main criteria that are most influential in supplier selection are quality criteria. The second criterion is shipping, the third criterion is the accuracy of the number, the fourth criterion is price and the last criterion is service or service. And for alternative suppliers, Griya Agro's supplier is the main alternative because it has the highest weight compared to the other two suppliers.

Keywords: Supplier Selection, AHP, Decision Support System


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