Usulan Perbaikan Penjadwalan Produksi Flow Shop dengan Menggunakan Metode Nawaz Enscore Ham
PT XYZ is a company engaged in manufacturing steel pipes and is a leading steel pipe manufacturer in Indonesia. In carrying out the production process PT XYZ applies a production system in the form of Make To Order. In the production process, PT XYZ had problems with its production scheduling. That is because production scheduling at PT XYZ has not run optimally. Of the 23 orders that entered, only 10 orders that could run on time, while the remaining 13 orders did not run on time. Data processing is performed on the determination of the processing time of the machine which is seen from the process of making steel pipes starting from the beginning to the end. The processing time of the machine is seen per its production process, which time produces makespan. company scheduling with a total production processing time of 6929 seconds with a utilization of 7% after testing with the Nawaz Enscore Ham production process based on the resulting scheduling of 546 seconds after making calculations using and having a utilization of 92%. Getting a new production scheduling job sequence in accordance with the proposal using the Nawaz Enscore Ham method, 12-18-21-11-23- 20-19-6-17-7-4-5-15-3-13-14-16- 9-2-10-22-1-8 and an increase in utilization by 85%.
Keywords— flow shop, Nawaz Enscore Ham, Production Scheduling.
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