Penerapan Metode Saving Matrix Untuk Meminimasi Biaya Pengiriman Produk Kemasan Pada PT XYZ
Distribution of packaging products that do not see the capacity of the fleet makes shipping only be done to one customer at a time, which makes the route and the longer distance becomes an issue that must be faced by PT XYZ. This causes waste of distribution costs that must be incurred by the company and a method is needed to solve the problem using the saving matrix method and the nearest neighbor method, this study aims to minimize costs and propose new routes. The sample in this study is shipping data on 20 customers, distance, shipping costs and products to be sent to Jabodetabek, Banten, West Java, and Central Java. The results of data processing of product shipments carried out by PT XYZ with an initial distance of 2159 km and after sorting the route using the nearest neighbor method obtained the proposed distance of 2000 km so that a difference of 159 km is obtained. The initial distribution fee is Rp. 15,240,473 /month, after using the saving matrix method the proposed cost obtained is 13,162,160/month with a difference of Rp. 2,078,313/month. So that the cost of distribution and the proposed route using the saving matrix and nearest neighbor methods are more optimum than the initial route.
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