Usulan Penerapan Theory Of Constraints Guna Mengoptimalkan Kapasitas Produksi Pada PT XYZ

Destryan Dyah Saputra


PT XYZ is a company engaged in  manufacturing jewelery with the final product being jewelery. The obstacle faced by PT XYZ is the number ofbottlenecksfound in the casting section. This buildup results in delays in the production process and non-fulfillment of production targets and also results in companies experiencing losses. Based on analyzing the production process, observing the processing time of each production sector, and calculating the capacity of each sector. As for identifying the causes of the high set-up time, the use of the SMED method is done to increase the effectiveness of production on the production floor. The results obtained by calculations with this method, there is a work station that is experiencing the hoarding or bottlenecks are at the work station of casting and polishing, pImproving the conducted work on all work stations by reducingtime set-up at each work station to the method SMED because time the set-up at thework station casting and polish has a set-up time that is too large and the improvement results show that the casting work station has changed its utilization from 213% has decreased by 145% and at the work station polish has changed from 147% utilization to 98 % so that the polished work station does not build up or bottleneck so that capacity can be optimized.


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