The Use of Language Style in Dior Beauty’s Social Media Advertisement

Karunia Yuda Pratama, Annisa Cessarani, Edi Sasongko, Muhammad Sulhan


Language possesses the ability to exert influence over individuals and their behavior, particularly in the realm of advertising. Social media advertisements are not haphazardly constructed but rather meticulously crafted, considering various factors. One such consideration is the intention to entice readers into purchasing the advertised products. Social media platforms employ multiple language styles to create captivating advertisements, each with its unique way of conveying ideas and promoting products. Language styles in social media advertising play a crucial role in capturing the reader's attention. This study aims to identify the language styles employed in Dior Beauty's social media posts and explore how meaning is conveyed to readers through these styles. Qualitative descriptive methods are utilized, focusing on the theory of Pop. Data is collected from Dior Beauty's social media posts on platforms like Instagram, within the 20th February to 20th June timeframe. The findings reveal that Dior Beauty's social media advertisements employ four language styles: morphological, syntactical, rhetorical, and slogan style. Among these, sloganized style stands out as the most frequently used in Dior Beauty's social media posts.


Advertisement; Dior Beauty; Social Media; Language Style

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