Optimasi Perencanaan Produksi dengan Menggunakan Metode Goal Programming Pada PD Y

Ranti Nurhadiyati


Production activities greatly affect the sustainability of a company one of which is production planning. This is important because production planning is an activity in the highest hierarchy. PD Y is one of the Cirebon regional companies engaged in food. There are several types of product variants produced by the company including in the production of sauces namely PD Y producing SSD products (Sambal Sedap Dus), SSK (Sambal Sedap Krat), S58D (Sambal 58 Dus), S58K (Sambal 58 Krat), SBD (SB Dus) and SBK (SB Krat). The demand for fluctuating product variants makes it difficult for companies to control their production planning. Therefore, companies must choose the optimal strategy in meeting the needs of production demand so that delivery can be on time and the amount of productions produced is optimal so that the production costs are minimal and get the maximum profit. In this condition, goal programming can be applied to provide solutions for management, where goal programming is one of the methods commonly used to find solutions with more than one objective function (multy objective) with that goal. Based on the results of calculations using the software POM-QM for windows, the production planning using the method goal programming in July-August 2018 resulted in an increase in profits of 43% -56% and a decrease in production costs by 7% -8% compared to before.



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